ODD JOBS (2016 – 2018)

ODD JOBS (2016 – 2018) was a durational maintenance performance based out of the Burrardview Park Fieldhouse. For the duration of the project Owen made her labour available to neighbourhood residents in order to perform maintenance and caretaking in the neighbourhood surrounding the park. Referencing the history of use of the fieldhouses as homes for parks caretakers, the project is both an homage to George, a parks caretaker and the former resident of Owen’s studio in Burrardview, and an investigation into maintenance labour as a catalyst for community engagement.

Interested in subverting the expected power-relations of a neighbourhood-based artist residency through ODD JOBS Owen developed an unique and intimate understanding of the Burrardview neighbourhood. Over the course of its three year duration ODD JOBS supported multiple production strategies, including public performance, performance-for-video, ephemeral installation and object making, as well as the installation of permanent improvements in neighbourhood.


Lexie Owen

Patrick McNabb



The BC Arts Council

The City of Vancouver’s Parks Board